
Good Friday

Heaven was not the same that day…Friday, Restless Manitou:

The Big Cats and their kind, twitched and paced nervously and spoke only to each other in their own tongues. 

The Wolves and their kind checked in with each other rubbing necks …”you must be ready” said the largest one.  The winds and rain, all weather under the Spirit’s direction, remained at ready.  

The Eagles and their kind soared and practiced their dive.  There would be no lessons on the refinements of flight for the messengers today.  Today all Manitou would fight side by side.  Winged creatures together with one mission. 

Many others of heaven’s creatures who had never seen battle, wanted to help.

The Angels formed Ranks. 

Some of them had been with the shepherd hill dwellers and their flocks at the boy’s birth.  They were first to volunteer for the rescue.

The Father had not yet called for an army…but they were all ready.  

Gabriel flew across a great expanse then landing, he stepped close to the Gitche Manitou and took his hand, “Father…surely you saw that beating … the whips.”  The Father lowered his head and said, “Yes Gabriel I saw it. I felt it.  I have never yet taken my eyes or my heart from him.”

“We are ready Father”, the Angel spoke in a deliberate tone.

“I know, you may tell Michael…and the others, they may go, only if he calls for you.  Then go and then go quickly,” He said with his head still lowered.  

  The messenger, warrior replied. “But what if He won’t call for us… Father …we are afraid He won’t call for us.” 

Slowly the Father said… “I have blocked my knowing of what my Son will do.  I spoke to him last night.  He knows what we must know.  Gabriel, he has free will like all of you, and all of them.  He must decide now…but I tell you my dear one ….I hope he does not call out… even in his greatest pain, I hope my Son does not call for you.”

The angel fell to his knees and lowered his head to rest it on the Father’s knee, and spoke in a near whisper, “Hasn’t he suffered enough, Father, Please?”   The Father stroked his shiny blue black hair and with tears in his eyes he said… “The depth of the evil of my humans can only be redeemed one way now…Gabriel.  He knows that, He and I have always known that….”

With a tender look Father said…”Go back to the others, give them my love…and tell them to wait.  We must now all wait.  I only know what I must do.  I have chosen not to know what my Son will do.” 

Gabriel returned to the other manitou all ready for battle beating their shields to make the “rousing noise” to stay alert; it was the message to both angel and animal. 

They did not mark time; only listened for the Son to call.   All were ready. 

The ones created first, knew what Gabriel’s message meant, or guessed.  But the others had hope.  “Call for us” Michael kept saying, “call for us It is enough now, Call…”  The Father heard the angel, and part of him wanted it too.  Even in his knowing.

Then the worst of it had come.  The Father wrenched away from his Son for the first time in all time.  All heaven heard the cry from the tree… “Where are you Eloi Eloi have you left me now to die alone?”   The last agony for the price of the human’s wanton fall from grace that severs humanity from God had been accomplished.  All heaven quieted to listen as the final earthly breath escaped the Son, his body sagged nearly tearing out the spikes. 

Michael sat leaning on his great bow.  Barely able to get sound from his mouth, he called to Gabriel.  The two sitting only inches apart, covered each other with great wings and grieved privately.  Gabriel and Michael had seen so much battle.  They had lost this one, without a fight.

And, as if they had announced it to all manner of heaven’s creatures who had been ready for the call; all species assembled.  The warriors made the sound of defeat; never before had heaven heard it.  

As the mournful noise went out of them, a voice over took it.  “Go, Go now bring him home…it is finished, did you not hear him?   Spirit you know what I want from you, make the thunder in the darkness like no other.  They will know my anguish.”  

Warriors began to fly when Michael shouted to stop. 

There they were, forming the joined light that had been missing for so long.  Father and Son in an embrace that could not distinguish one from the other. Their Spirit joined, and, from them came flowing dancing color one becoming another and another.  Then once more, only light. Gitche Manitou whole in the dance.

Slowly they became distinguishable again.  “My Son has more to do,” Father said softly, “Sunday was coming.”

But the end of the wonder filled beginning was certain.  

The sound of victory was once more heard for heaven and all galaxies to remember.

Dear Saints,

Good Morning, White Earth, 10/18
I thank you sweet Creator, Lord, God of the universe for giving me another day of life, for restoring my soul to my body. Great is your faithfulness. (adapted from a Jewish prayer upon waking)
I wake up thanking God for each day of life. A long time of covid has reinforced in me the fragileness of life, and the constant realization that the number of our days is uncertain. Yes, numbered and blessed by the Creator.
This morning I woke up thinking about the last year my husband was alive. He was so ill and I think we both knew the time was drawing down, but it was one of our best times together. Every day was a gift. Any excuse to celebrate we became like children on the best Christmas morning ever.
True, we were also preparing for his return to his real home. Still, there was somehow much joy along with the grieving in our dwindling time together.
We knew
Our days are always in God’s hands.
Lord open our lips…
BCP pg 461
This is another day, O Lord. I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be. If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. And if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. Make these words more than words, and give me the Spirit of Jesus. Amen.

This is another day, O Lord. I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be. If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. And if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. Make these words more than words, and give me the Spirit of Jesus. Amen. 


For those of us who pray Compline together….this is so familiar and yet, so unique. Please see the pen and ink below the prayer. COMING HOME PRAYER ~~ To you, spirit beings who dwell to the North: today we ask you to grant us good dreams. Approach us this night and every night; eComing Home Prayernter our homes and our spirits and fill us with the yearning for beauty. Show us the good that we may follow and observe it. Banish evil dreams from our sleep and from our lives. Let neither deceit nor remorse, neither selfishness nor ill will toward our brothers, disturb our sleep. Guard us at night when we are helpless. Come like the north winds; dispel the evil. Watch over us, blanket our spirits as the snow covers the earth. And do not abandon us until we are awake and restored. (Giinawaa aya'aabitameg giiwedinoong ineninimishinaang noongom giizhigak ji mino-bawaajigeyaang. Naazikaawizhinaang, abi-izhaamizhinaang noongom dibikak endaso-dibikak gaye; abi gaatwendamoog en-daayaang abi-mooshkineshiwik n’jiichaaginaanin ji gezhendamaang w’onizhishiwing. Waabandashinaang gwayakawaadizin ji gikendamaang ge izhi gayekaadiziyaang. Zhaagoojidamowizhinaang mayanadag ji bawaadizinaang. Gego inenimizhkaangenji bawaadimaangiban zaagiziwin, gemaa maanaadenjigiwin, gemaa wiyezhingewin, gemaa naniinawendamowin, ji boodaginigiyaangiban maanaadendamowin. Ganawenimizhinaang niibaadibik megwaa memeidige gaagetaawizisiwaang. Dibishkoo giiwedin ezhi mashkowaanimag zhaagoodinamowizhinaang mayaanaadag; dibishkoo goon ezhi-bidagoonayang aki ganawenimizhinaang en-dachiyaang. Gego gaye webinashkaangen; baamaa w’gii aabiziishinaang, ninawind dibinawe ji naanaagadawendiziyaang.) Read the story:

Dear Saints, Good Morning, White Earth, 11/15 I thank you sweet Creator, Lord, God of the universe for giving me another day of life, for restoring my soul to my body. Great is your faithfulness. (adapted from a Jewish prayer upon waking.) The prayer below opens to ask for the gift of being divorced of self pity. Oh Man, that is one difficult and wonderful gift to ask. taken from a recovery site. God direct my thinking today so that it be divorced of self pity, dishonesty, self-will, self-seeking and fear. God inspire my thinking, decisions and intuitions... Amen!

The prayer here is Mary’s response to Elizabeth who has John the Baptizer in her womb, an Elder woman unable to bear…gives birth to the greatest prophet of the Old Testament. This was one of greatest Old Testament miracles…the curing of infertility. John is the sealing of the Old Testament.

Now, Mary’s prayer is a lot like Hannah’s song that begins chapter 2 of 1 Samuel. Mary knew her Bible!! She must have shared some of the same feelings with Hannah.
Still, Mary, with Jesus in her womb is the first Miracle of the New Testament for the Son of God is born from a virgin girl who’s virtue is protected by God.
From Luke 1…
Elizabeth said…
For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.”
And Mary said,
“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, according to the promise he made to our ancestors, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.”

Zoom Worship is offered to our W. E. Congregations: Tue, Wed. Thurs. <br>Compline at 8 pm; Saturday Evening Prayer at 5 pm<br>
St. Columba and St. Philips are part of First Nations Kitchen, North…and host Community Feasts in both places.
Family Night is a St. Columba Wed. Night Event 5 pm …that includes a meal, then a video or movie, a time of discussion and fellowship, and always some fun. <br><br>

Today’s Gospel 12/11
An Opinion.
It is hard to know exactly what John was thinking in that Jail Cell as he waited for Herod’s next move. Arrested for calling Herod and his new wife on their marriage. Herod took half brother Philip’s wife to be his. I don’t know if John had a clue that his death was near. Maybe, Herod didn’t know what he was going to do yet. But, one can sense John’s stress.
In the Gospel, he certainly seems to be frustrated with Jesus. Jesus is not acting like the judgment delivering messiah with a winnowing fork. Jesus is healing people, and urging them to repent out of love for God…not the fear of punishment. The kingdom of heaven being near was not a threat to Jesus…his actions seems to let people know that God’s desire for them is to be healed, to repent and live. I mean it is Jesus who will take on the wrath of God to save us. John can’t seem to reconcile his expectations with the message of Jesus to the world.
Jesus’s response to John seems a little sharp, but he actually points to the prophet’s in spotting all the healing power come down as part of the future reconciliation …that blind see, deaf hear…and so much more Jesus is doing it. In essence he is saying to John…look cousin, what is happening all around you… I came to save to heal…but you must make up your own mind.
In John’s moments of frustration and perhaps doubt, we can find our own times of faith struggle. Some may want a wrathful message, some may want Jesus to be a genie granting endless wishes. He is neither. He is the face of the Father in flesh asking for obedience out of respect and love of God. Jesus is asking us to accept the Love of God embodied in the Son. That is the truth of Jesus’ message I think… So, look at who he is and what he does…and we must also make up our own minds.
Jesus called John the greatest of all the old testament prophets, But, the old law dies with John…and those who enter heaven in the way of love…the way of Jesus are greater, yes even the least of them.
Please check out our Facebook pages. St. Columba looking to offer a new page!<br>
Times of Services and news of the Churches activities are Posted on Jackie Bernacchi’s FB page as well as, St. Philip’s, and Samuel Memorial.
Jackie posts on her FB page for all 4 communities.
Information and daily posts are posted on Jackie’s FB page./22